
Lovelite Blues

blues dancers in Berlin or wherever your might be!

let us lure you out of your hiding places for a bit of dancing. We want to see you all on the dancefloor at Lovelite again

pack your dancing shoes for a night of blues dancing 


20:30h open  

21:00h Taster for newbies and refreshers

22:00h start


PolyMeetup Berlin

Das PolyMeetup Berlin ist ein monatliches Treffen für polyamor lebende & interesseierte Menschen in Berlin. Unter dem Motto: Zusammen sind wir weniger allein oder nichtmonogame Beziehungskonzepte.

 ohne Moderation und Voranmeldung * Free Entry

Mehr Informationen:

Jeden 1. Montag

18:30h open  

19:00h start






Fällt leider aus !!!!!




Das PolyTreff ist ein monatliches Treffen für polyamor lebende & interesseierte Menschen in Berlin.

 Gesprächskreis mit Moderation  * Free Entry *

Jeden 3. Montag

18:30h open  

19:00h start

Poly International MeetUp



Join us for a relaxed social night with like minded people! 



Free Entry *

Jeden 2. Montag im Monadt

19.00h open  

19:00h start


This is a social meetup held every month. We will have unstructured discussions on both Polyamory related topics and any other topics of choice. Our goals are to meet new people, catch up with regular members, maintain a community, learn from each other's experiences, and support each other.

 Whether you are new, experienced, or just curious, you are welcome to join! All poly and poly friendly folk are welcome, you don't have to be poly to attend.

 GUIDELINES: We ask that attendees treat each other with respect and acceptance, to take responsibility for their own emotional wellbeing, that they don't make contact with anyone attending these events without explicit verbal consent ("can I message you?") and to avoid any physical contact without explicit verbal consent ("would you like a hug?") and finally to keep all discussions confidential and not to spread gossip.

More details on these guidelines here:




10245 berlin